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Tips to Fend Off Holiday Weight Gain

The holidays are a time to make memories with family and friends. Unfortunately, many people find that they have accumulated a few extra pounds by the time January 1st comes around. The office parties, Christmas cookies and family gatherings make the holiday season a difficult time for those who are trying to stay in shape. In this post, our Rockville plastic surgeon, Dr. Joseph Michaels, shares his tips to fend off holiday weight gain.

Arm Yourself with Healthy Food

Don’t expect yourself to be surrounded by food without eating any of it. Instead, make sure you have healthy food options available, so that you don’t have to choose between starving yourself or giving in and eating Christmas candy. If you’re going to a party or gathering, bring your own healthy dish. This allows you to enjoy the festivities without binging on cookies and candy.

Limit Alcohol Consumption

Liquid calories are dangerous because they are so easy to consume. Alcohol has the added downside of lowering your inhibitions a bit, which might be the difference between sticking to your diet and giving in to temptation. Limit alcohol and other liquid calories by drinking lots of water.

Start your New Year Resolutions Early

The idea of avoiding weight gain may not excite you. For some people, it’s easier to set an ambitious goal than to maintain their current state. If this sounds like you, why not get a jump on your New Year resolutions? Set a goal of losing a few pounds during the holiday season, and use this goal to motivate you to make healthy choices during the holidays.

Seek Help for Stubborn Fat Deposits

If you’ve been trying to lose weight with diet and exercise but haven’t been able to make any progress, you may want to consider cosmetic treatment in the form of a liposuction procedure. Even if you are at or near your ideal body weight, you might struggle with stubborn fat deposits in certain areas that just won’t go away. Liposuction can be effective at contouring these “problem areas” that won’t respond to diet and exercise. Dr. Michaels now also offers SculpSure, a non-invasive fat reduction device that is FDA-approved to decrease fat deposits by 24 percent. This procedure is performed in the office with no downtime.

Learn More about Liposuction or SculpSure

To learn more about liposuction or SculpSure, schedule a consultation at Michaels Aesthetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery. Dr. Michaels will determine if you are a good candidate for liposuction or SculpSure and explain which procedure will be most effective for your unique situation. Schedule an appointment by calling our Bethesda office at (301) 468-5991 or our Fairfax office at (703) 957-8610.