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Tips for Choosing Breast Implant Size

Once you have decided to undergo breast augmentation surgery in Fairfax or Bethesda with me, you’ll have several choices to make. For instance, you must choose which type of breast implants you would like — saline or silicone. You must also choose an incision approach and whether you would like your implants placed under or over the chest muscle.

One of the most important decisions you will make during the breast enhancement process is what size breast implants to get. How do you make such an important choice? Ultimately, implant size is a personal decision, but here are some tips to help you choose.

Be Realistic

Breast implants are not “one size fits all.” When choosing your breast implant size, keep your unique physique in mind. If you have thin skin or little body fat, you probably should not choose the largest size of breast implants because you will not have enough skin, fat and glandular breast tissue to cover and support the implants properly. Likewise, if you have a petite frame, you do not want to choose large implants with a wide base, or the results will look out of balance with the rest of your figure.

A Photo Is Worth a Thousand Words

A photo really is worth a thousand words when you are trying to describe the breast implant size you would like. By bringing photos of women whose breasts you like to your consultation, I will be able to get a better sense of the size and overall look you are going for. Just be sure to choose photos of women with similar body types and frames as you, so we can establish a realistic aesthetic goal for surgery.

Skip the Bra Talk

Okay, so you don’t have to skip the bra talk entirely, but try to avoid using bra cup size as your only reference when conveying what breast implant size you desire. What one lingerie manufacturer refers to as a C cup might be called a D cup by another manufacturer. Bra cup size is not always the most reliable standard.

Come in for a Consultation

Really, the only way to choose a breast implant size is to come in for a consultation. That way, I can examine your physique and recommend an appropriate implant size for your individual anatomy. I also have breast prosthetics available for you to try on. We can discuss your aesthetic concerns and formulate a treatment plan that is best suited to your unique needs, including which breast implants size is right for you.

To schedule a personal consultation with Dr. Joseph Michaels to discuss your breast enhancement options, please contact Michaels Aesthetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery by calling 703.957.8610 (for the Fairfax office) or 301.468.5991 (for the Bethesda office) today.