FAQs on After Weight Loss Procedures

You’ve lost a lot of weight and you like what you see on the scale, but you may not like what you are seeing in the mirror. If you’ve lost a significant amount of weight, you may now have excess, hanging skin in multiple areas of your body including your […]

What Stars Say about Their Breast Augmentation

Rumors of celebrities having plastic surgery are constantly in headlines. Has she? Hasn’t she? While the media and public alike try to detect who’s had work done and who hasn’t, some stars are so happy with their results that they can’t help but share the news with the world. Many […]

How Breast Reduction Can Help You Find Relief

Though many women may dream of having fuller breasts, those with overly large, heavy breasts don’t always see it as a blessing. For these women, their breasts can be a source of discomfort, both physical and social. Ariel Winter, star of the popular TV show Modern Family, knows all too […]

Your Neck Contouring Options

As we age, our skin starts to lose its elasticity and begins to droop. One place this is most noticeable is in our chin area, causing the dreaded “turkey neck” effect. For other people, this can happen after losing a large amount of weight. Another problem in this area is […]

Plastic Surgery Trends of 2016

The year 2016 has barely started, and yet plastic surgery trends for the year have already begun to emerge. Wondering what this year’s top procedures are? In this post, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Joseph Michaels discusses what he’s seen at his Maryland practice, Michaels Aesthetic & Reconstructive Plastic Surgery.

Four Common Reasons Why Women Undergo Breast Surgery

The breasts have long been thought of as a sign of a woman’s femininity. It should come as no surprise then that many women who are unhappy with the appearance of their breasts choose to undergo breast enhancement surgery. By doing so, these women often report feeling happier and more […]

Five Simple Superfoods for Flawless Skin

By now you know that a healthy diet is essential to your overall health, affecting the way you feel on the inside. But did you know that what you eat also affects the way you look? Foods high in saturated fat can cause unsightly blemishes, while other foods can help […]

What Can Plastic Surgery Offer Men?

The number of men seeking plastic surgery has skyrocketed in recent years, and the reasons why they seek cosmetic enhancement are as different as the men themselves. Dr. Michaels’ practice understands that men have unique needs and his practice caters to those specific needs. Dr. Michaels also knows that men […]